Our website name has changed from ClassroomProducts.com to PrivacyShields.com

Please address all billing, accounts payables and receivables to corporate offices at:
Classroom Products LLC, 3741 Springfield Jamestown Road, Springfield, OH 45502
Also, our vendor name remains Classroom Products LLC.

Our Story...

We started Classroom Products LLC in 2003 with a desire to help improve student focus by reducing visual distractions in the classroom. We also wanted to discourage cheating and protect the learning process. As a result, we developed a line of corrugated privacy shields and testing dividers to fit on top of student desks.

For many years, teachers tried making their own privacy shields by taping together manila folders, which were flimsy and too small. However, teachers soon realized that our first product, the 13” Desktop Privacy Shield, doubled student work space and lasted much longer than manila folders. 

While exhibiting at trade shows, we continued to listen to many educator’s needs and concerns. Consequently, we learned that there was demand for affordable solutions to cheating in computer testing labs. After extensive research, we developed our line of computer privacy shields and testing dividers. We were pioneers in this product category.

Due to a consistent increase in demand, we quickly became an industry leader in desktop and computer privacy shields. After many years of robust company growth, we are serving more satisfied teachers than ever. Regardless, we maintain our commitment to good old fashioned customer service with a personal touch.

You don’t have to take our word for it! Check out our product reviews to see what customers are saying about their favorite classroom solutions.


Kenny Kiskis & Ron Zerrer, Company Founders

About privacy shields
Company founders Ron Zerrer and Kenny Kiskis



Only Our website name has changed from ClassroomProducts.com

 to PrivacyShields.com . . .

All purchase orders, accounts payables and receivables will still be addressed to corporate offices at:

Classroom Products LLC
3741 Springfield Jamestown Road
Springfield, OH 45502

Our vendor name will still remain Classroom Products LLC.